Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is what is life!!

"The world is like a looking glass; if u smile,it smiles;if u frown,it frowns back. If u look at it through a red glass,all seems red n rosy;if through a blue,all blue;if trough a smoked one,all dull and dingy. Always try den to look at the bright side of things. There are person whose smile,whose very presence seems like a ray of sunshine and brightens the room.Greet everybody with a bright smile,kind words and a pleasant welcome."- This is what i updated my status on facebook yesterday... I got this paragraph in my english exam yesterday to precis it.. I had two other options but i chose this one.. Coz when i read this paragraph, i realised it was so true,so calm, so beautiful way to look towards life.. People who say they are fed off,pissed off from life should read this paragraph atleast once everyday.. They will definitely realize how lucky they are... compared to people who do not even have proper education to read the above paragraph.. One should always see the brighter side of life... And life will make the darker side more brighter..... So people keep smiling... Coz thats the way you can win hearts.... Be good, make oters happy, life will make you smile forever....

Sunday, July 4, 2010


After writing my 1st blog, i thought my 2nd blog should be dedicated to my maa.. She is my maa..my god...and my best friend... As everyone does i too love my maa the most in this world... She is my world.. My day starts by seeing her and ends hugging her tightly and sleeping... I am 20 but even today i can't sleep without her... Mom i really cant live without you... Never leave me... I irritate you, frustrate you so much but still you are calm...Only you are always there with me in my bad times.... I love you so much....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I, Me, Myself...

Hello bloggers, i am Ankana.. i am here just to entertain people with my silly,stupid blogs.. So when you are depressed or feeling bored out of life just read my blogs... You will feel crazy... i am 20, crazy silly girl,thats what everyone calls me, mad after barbie dolls,ice-creams, chocolates, and the colour PINK... I never thought i will ever write a blog... But after seeing my Di and my friend Rahul i decided to write!!!