Sunday, July 4, 2010


After writing my 1st blog, i thought my 2nd blog should be dedicated to my maa.. She is my god...and my best friend... As everyone does i too love my maa the most in this world... She is my world.. My day starts by seeing her and ends hugging her tightly and sleeping... I am 20 but even today i can't sleep without her... Mom i really cant live without you... Never leave me... I irritate you, frustrate you so much but still you are calm...Only you are always there with me in my bad times.... I love you so much....

1 comment:

  1. She is my mother too. I fight with her, I drive her crazy, I irritate her but I love her a lot. I know I can never live without her. Mom you are really the best. I LOVE YOU TOO.
